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Oct 1991Ojai Basin Groundwater Management Agency created by an act of the state legislature.
Apr 1993Adopted requirements to register, meter, and report groundwater extractions (Ord. 1).
Sep 1994Approved first Groundwater Management Plan.
Apr 1995Began charging groundwater extraction fees (Ord 4).
Jun 2007Updated the Groundwater Management Plan.
Oct 2007State approved legislation (AB 738) to allow for increased extraction fees (up to $25/acre-foot) if approved by a majority vote of the basin’s groundwater extractors.
Nov 2011Developed first Ojai Basin Groundwater Model.
2013-2014Installed continuous data loggers in various wells in the Ojai Basin to improve data on groundwater levels.
May 2014Updated the Ojai Basin Groundwater Model to include calibration through the end of 2013, as well as improved estimates of recharge from turf and crop irrigation.
Jul 2014San Antonio Creek Spreading Grounds Rehabilitation Project completed by Ventura County. OBGMA is a project partner, with ongoing operation and maintenance responsibilities.
Aug 2014Updated the Ojai Basin Groundwater Model to include predictive model simulations that evaluate anticipated groundwater elevations in the basin through water year 2020.
Jan 2015Submitted a resolution to the California Department of Water Resources requesting that OBGMA become the Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the Ojai Basin, pursuant to California’s 2015 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.
Jan 2022Submitted Draft Final Groundwater Sustainability Plan to California Department of Water Resources
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